Using AXEL

Preparing the Script: The Torque manager will only accept jobs in ASCII shell script format. So to run any binary program, user must create a shell script to call the actual binary.

Basic Operations: All users should login AXELGW for batch job management. The following commands assume running on AXELGW.

Check current job queue:

Submitting a job name "my_script":
qsub my_script
Submitting a job to node "axel03":
qsub -l nodes=axel03 my_script
Submitting a job to any node with the nVidia C1060 Tesla card:
qsub -l nodes=1:c1060 my_script
Submitting a job to any node with the Alpha-Data ADM-XRC-5T2 card:
qsub -l nodes=1:admxrc5t2 my_script
Check a certain job with ID "1.axel01":
qstat -f 1
Remove a job with ID "1.axel01":
qdel 1
Check available compute nodes:

Screen Output: The output of the executed script will be stored in the file ~/STDIN.o# and ~/STDIN.e# where the # sign is the job ID of the script (o: stdout, e: stderr). To specify files other than the default STDIN.*, user can use the '-e' and '-o' options in the qsub command.

Note: Interactive job is not encouraged in AXEL03 ~ AXEL17.